lang.city_list_last = 'To plan a new trip, please visit our website at'; lang.clip_cnt = 'clips'; lang.no_clipboard = 'No My Clips yet.\n Please clip-on places you′d like to visit first.'; lang.vote_plan = 'Suggested Plans'; lang.img_upload_complete = 'Your image has been uploaded.'; lang.in_review = '{%s0} of reviews'; lang.in_review2 = 'reviews'; lang.review_input_placeholder = 'Please write a review of the place.'; lang.edit_update = 'Edit & Update'; lang.go_cityhome = 'Go to Home'; lang.popularity = 'Analysis'; lang.clip_eq = 'Clips'; lang.satisfaction = 'Reviews'; lang.review_rate = 'Review Ratings'; lang.near_trans = 'Nearby Airport'; lang.near_clip = 'Nearby Clips'; = 'Room'; lang.rooms = '{%s0} rooms'; lang.people = '{%s0} guests'; lang.room_people = 'Guest'; lang.day_gap = '{%s0} nights'; lang.hotel_cnt = '{%s0} of'; lang.noroom = 'No available rooms.'; lang.no_search = 'No result'; lang.no_filter = 'Sorry but there is no rooms that matches the selected filters.Please remove or change the filters.'; lang.filter_reset = 'Remove filters'; lang.loading_txt = 'Now we are searching plenty of worldwide travel sites.'; lang.price_per_room = 'Nightly'; lang.price_per_total = 'Total'; lang.pricefilter_desc = 'Nightly'; lang.star_rate = 'Stars'; lang.hotel_type = 'Accommodation Type'; lang.amenity = 'Facility'; lang.filter_amenity = 'Amenity'; lang.amenity2 = 'Facility'; lang.search_near = 'Nearby {%s0}'; lang.hotel_result = '0 of hotels searched.'; lang.room_cnt_alert = 'Rooms can′t be more than the number of guests.'; lang.room_cnt = '{%s0}rooms'; lang.people_cnt = '{%s0}guests'; lang.hotel_search_placeholder = 'Search a city or hotel'; lang.check_inout = 'Check in/Check out'; lang.alert_destinatin = 'Select a destination.'; lang.alert_date = 'You can′t select earlier date than today.'; lang.alert_htdate = 'You can′t select earlier date than check in date.'; lang.price_open = 'Compare all prices'; lang.price_close = 'Close'; lang.hotel_not_review = 'No reviews on the property yet.'; lang.reg = 'Book Now'; lang.prople_type = 'Type of Guests'; lang.review_min = 'Summary of guests′ reviews'; lang.flight_search_placeholder = 'Enter a city or airport'; lang.startend_date = 'Depart/Return'; lang.start_date = 'Departure Date'; lang.start_date_min = 'Departure'; lang.end_date_min = 'Return'; lang.start_date_pc = 'Departure Time - Outbound'; lang.end_date_pc = 'Departure Time - Return'; lang.end_date = 'Return Date'; lang.alert_sel_origin = 'Please enter a departing airport.'; lang.alert_sel_destination = 'Please enter a destination.'; lang.alert_dup_ori_des = 'Departing and arriving airport must be different.'; lang.alert_sel_startdate = 'Please select a departure date.'; lang.alert_sel_enddate = 'Please select a return date.'; lang.alert_cnt_people = 'Number of infants must be less than adult passengers.'; lang.alert_flightdate = 'You can′t select earlier date than departure date.'; lang.round_trip = 'Round trip'; lang.one_way = 'One Way'; lang.direct_flight = 'Direct'; lang.origin = 'From'; lang.destination = 'To'; lang.adult_length = 'Adult(12+)'; lang.child_length = 'Child(2~12)'; lang.infant_length = 'Infant(0~2)'; lang.alert_nosearch0 = 'No available flights are found.\nPlease try again with different options.'; lang.flight_time = '{%s0}h {%s1}m'; lang.transit_add = '{%s0} Stops'; lang.transit = 'Stop'; lang.transit1 = '1 Stop'; lang.transit2 = '2+ Stops'; lang.alert_sel_transit = 'Please select a type of stops.'; lang.alert_sel_air = 'Please select at least an airline.'; lang.alert_sel_origin_air = 'Please enter a departing airport.'; lang.alert_sel_destination_air = 'Please enter a destination.'; lang.flight_loading_txt = 'We are now searching available flights.'; lang.sort_start_time = 'Departure Time'; lang.sort_duration = 'Duration'; lang.sort_flight_price = 'Price'; lang.flight_start_time = 'Outbound take-off time'; lang.flight_end_time = 'Inbound take-off time'; lang.filter_air = 'Airlines'; lang.flight_agents = 'Multiple Airlines'; lang.wait_air = 'Connect in Airport'; lang.change_air = 'Change Airport'; lang.flight_dup = 'Operated by *{%s0}'; lang.origin_desc = 'Departure'; lang.destination_desc = 'Return'; lang.flight_no_match = 'You will arrive at LHR but when you return, you will depart from LGW.'; lang.flight_no_match2 = 'You will depart from LHR but when you return, you will arrive at LGW.'; lang.flight_multi_desc = '※ Multiple Booking For this itinerary, you may need to reserve separate tickets for different parts of the trip.\n Open all the reservation sites and check ticket prices and availability on each before making any reservation.'; lang.ci_clip_spot = 'My Clips'; lang.ci_hotel_price_compare = 'Hotel Price Compare'; lang.ci_tour_theme = 'Travel Theme'; lang.ci_flight_title = 'Flight'; lang.ci_pop_attraction = 'Popular Places'; lang.ci_pop_food = 'Popular Restaurant'; lang.ci_hotel_rank = 'By Stars'; lang.ci_detail_view = 'See Details'; lang.ci_all_info_view = 'See All Details'; lang.ci_room_type = 'Room Types'; lang.ci_avg_price = 'Average Price'; lang.ci_per_night_room = 'Nightly per room'; lang.ci_total_price = 'Total'; lang.ci_total_price_view = 'Total Price'; lang.ci_per_night_1room = '1Room/1Night'; lang.price_per_room_pc = 'Nightly Per Room'; lang._room_per = '{%s0}Room/{%s1}Night'; lang.ci_person_room = '{%s0} Guests'; lang.ci_review_cnt = '{%s0} Reviews'; lang.ci_review_cnt_desc = 'Summary of {%s0} reviews'; lang.ci_review_cnt_desc_pc = 'Summary of 347 reviews'; lang.ci_review_cnt_desc_pc2 = ' Summary of 0 reviews'; lang.review_cnt_min_pc = 'Summary of reviews'; lang.ci_review_desc = 'Summary of reviews'; lang.ci_total_cnt = '{%s0} Hotels'; lang.total_rate = 'Overall Rating'; lang.ci_width_clip = 'You may like these places.'; lang.ci_width_clip_desc = 'Places other travelers′ also visited with {%s0}'; lang.ci_tour_anal = 'Analysis of reviews'; lang.ci_clip_anal = 'Analysis of 76 clips'; lang.ci_about_tour_theme0 = 'Who likes this place?'; lang.ci_about_tour_theme = 'What is this?'; lang.ci_about_tour_theme_desc = 'It is a result from analyzing users′ clips. For instance, ′Families 30%′ means that 30% of all family travelers have clipped-on this place.'; lang.ci_new_spot_title = 'No place you are looking for?'; lang.ci_new_spot_desc = 'Add a new place on Earthtory.'; lang.ci_add_spot = 'Add Place'; lang.ci_recent_spot = 'Recently Viewed Place'; lang.ci_recent_hotel = 'Recently Viewed Hotel'; lang.ci_tag_more = 'See More Tags'; lang.ci_tag_close = 'Close'; lang.ci_world_search_desc = 'We are now searching numberless travel sites worldwide.'; lang.ci_pre_site = 'Booking Site'; lang.ci_price_per_person = 'Per Person'; lang.ci_flight_out_desc = '※ You will depart from {%s0} but when you return, you will arrive at {%s1}.'; lang.ci_flight_in_desc = '※ You will arrive at {%s0} but when you return, you will depart from {%s1}.'; lang.ci_view_map = 'View on the Map'; lang.ci_view_map_ht = 'View the hotel on the Map'; lang.ci_no_view_spot_cnt = 'Hidden Places on Map: {%s0}'; lang.ci_all_marker_view = 'Click Here to see all places on the map.'; lang.ci_view_clip_makrer = 'Show My Clips'; lang.ci_back_list = 'Go Back to List'; lang.ci_checkin_day = 'Days'; lang.ci_per_on_night = 'Nightly Price'; lang.ci_hotel_name = 'Hotel Name'; lang.ci_hotel_type = 'By Types'; lang.hotel_rank_pc = 'Stars'; lang.hotel_type_pc = 'Accommodation Types'; lang.not_30day = 'Sorry. You can′t not book for more than 30 days.'; lang.select_checkin_alert = 'Enter the check-in date.'; lang.select_checkout_alert = 'Enter the check-out date.'; lang.price_per_night = 'Nightly'; lang.renew_search_price = 'Check Price'; lang.per_person_pc = 'Per person'; lang.founder_txt = '{%s0} has found the place.'; lang.rate_default = 'Great'; lang.travel_time = 'Duration'; lang.sort_flight_runtime = 'Duration'; lang.sort_flight_starttime = 'Depart Time'; lang.sort_flight_endtime = 'Return Time'; lang.count_full_box = 'See all 116 flights of 0'; lang.flight_progress_box = 'Count : 0//0'; lang.flight_sorttype_adultper = 'Price Per Person'; lang.flight_sorttype_fullrun = 'Total Duration'; lang.flight_sorttype_starttime = 'Depart: Departure Time'; lang.flight_sorttype_endtime = 'Return: Departure Time'; lang.flight_sorttype_air = 'Airline'; lang.count_adult = '{%s0} Adult'; lang.count_child = '{%s0} Child'; lang.count_infants = '{%s0} Infant'; lang.economy = 'Economy'; lang.sit_type = 'Seat Type'; lang.select_fstart = 'Select a departure city'; lang.select_fend = 'Select a destination'; lang.loading_hotel_txt = 'Loading hotel details now.'; lang.use_review = 'Reviews'; lang.am_filter1 = '24Hour Front Desk'; lang.am_filter2 = 'Wifi/Internet'; lang.am_filter3 = 'Swimming Pool'; lang.am_filter4 = 'Spa/Sauna'; lang.am_filter5 = 'Bar/Lounge'; lang.am_filter6 = 'Fitness Room'; lang.am_filter7 = 'Parking'; lang.am_filter8 = 'Accessibility Features'; lang.spot_total_cnt_box = ' available hotels among hotels in total.Show All'; lang.reg_btn = 'Book'; lang.not_info = 'No registered information.'; lang.day_not_hotel = 'No rooms for selected date.'; lang.not_review = 'No reviews have registered.'; lang.popular_hotel = '{%s0} Popular Hotels'; lang.popular_sight = 'Popular Places'; lang.popular_food = 'Popular Restaurants'; lang.alert_upload_ok = 'Complete Upload.'; lang.source = 'Source'; lang.hotel_rate = 'Stars'; lang.not_service = 'No service area. Please check the departure city.'; lang.spot_cnt = '{%s0} Places'; lang.view_detail = 'See Details'; lang.select_rate = 'Select ratings'; lang.ci_all_info_view2 = 'Close'; lang.sort_flight_price2 = 'Price'; lang.distance_txt_left = '시내'; lang.hotel_option_wifi = '와이파이/인터넷'; lang.hotel_option_parking = '주차장'; lang.hotel_option_pool = '수영장'; lang.hotel_option_spa = '스파/사우나'; lang.hotel_option_bar = '바/라운지'; lang.hotel_option_cash = '안전 금고'; lang.open_category = '카테고리 더보기'; lang.close_category = '카테고리 닫기'; lang.search_placeholder = '{%s0} 검색'; lang.price_type = '가격대'; lang.price_low = '저렴'; lang.price_normal = '보통'; lang.price_hight = '비쌈'; lang.price_veryhigh = '매우비쌈'; lang.dining_etc = '기타'; lang.dining_out = '야외자석'; lang.dining_reg = '예약'; lang.in_review3 = '{%s0}개의 평가'; lang.popular_near_spot = '이 장소와 함께 일정에 포함된 인기장소'; lang.qa_desc = '{%s0}에 궁금한점이 있나요? 질문을 남겨보세요!'; lang.review_addtxt = '{%s0} 리뷰 남기기'; lang.near_clip_spot = '인근의 클립장소'; lang.spot_tips = '이 장소의 여행TIP'; lang.near_hotel = '인근의 호텔'; lang.near_food = '인근의 음식점'; lang.near_sight = '인근의 관광명소'; lang.ht_list_cnt1 = '총 {%s0}개의 호텔'; lang.ht_list_cnt2 = '총 {%s0}개의 호텔중 {%s1}개의 호텔'; lang.ht_reset_filter = ' 필터 초기화'; lang.ht_distance_link = '{%s0}에서 {%s1}'; lang.go_ht_detail = '자세히 보기'; lang.ht_1day_avg = '1박 평균'; lang.view_ht_review = '이용후기 보기'; lang.day1_price = '요금(1박)'; lang.search_spot_near = '명소 주변 호텔 검색'; lang.search_spot = '장소검색'; lang.citymain_pospot = '{%s0} 인기장소'; lang.citymain_voteplan = '{%s0} 추천일정'; lang.citymain_community = '{%s0} 커뮤니티'; lang.citymain_moresight = '{%s0}개 관광명소 모두보기'; lang.citymain_morefood = '{%s0}개 음식점 모두보기'; lang.citymain_moreshopping = '{%s0}개 쇼핑 모두보기'; lang.citymain_cityday_cnt = '{%s0}개 도시, {%s1}일'; lang.citymain_morevplan = '{%s0}개의 여행일정 모두보기'; lang.go_copy = '복사하기'; lang.go_detail = '상세보기'; lang.name_review = '{%s0} 리뷰'; lang.review_vote = '유용함'; lang.local_weather = '현지날씨'; lang.rate_exchange = '환율 계산'; lang.search_hotel = '호텔 검색'; lang.v_hotel = '추천 호텔'; lang.v_hotel_s1 = '배낭여행자를 위한 숙소'; lang.v_hotel_s2 = '실속여행자를 위한 숙소'; lang.v_hotel_s3 = '럭셔리 여행자를 위한 숙소'; lang.log_box_desc = '도움이 필요하신가요?로그인하여 커뮤니티에참여해 보세요!'; lang.my_q = '나의 질문'; lang.my_a = '나의 답변'; lang.alert_sel_geospot = '먼저 장소를 선택해 주세요.'; lang.clip_desc = '관심장소를 클립해두면 편리하게일정을 계획할 수 있습니다.'; lang.citymain_traveltheme = '{%s0} 여행테마'; lang.alert_insert_destination = '목적지를 입력해 주세요.'; lang.view_cities = '도시보기'; lang.more_cities = '{%s0}개의 도시 모두보기';