lang.map_day = 'Day'; lang.map_change_city = 'Change'; lang.map_search_place = 'Search Place'; lang.map_select_tag = 'Select a Tag'; lang.map_rank_hotel = 'Stars'; lang.map_type_hotel = 'Accommodation Type'; lang.map_search_change = 'ChangeSearch'; lang.map_other_hotel = 'Unmarked Hotels'; lang.map_other_place = 'Unmarked Places'; lang.map_other_desc = 'Click here to see all the result on the map.'; lang.map_alert_first = 'Select a ′Day′ first and drag & drop a place.'; lang.map_rec_direction = 'Direction'; lang.map_view_all_info = 'Show All Info'; lang.map_infomation = 'Info'; lang.map_review = 'Review'; lang.map_blog = 'Blog'; lang.map_memo = 'Memo'; lang.map_theme_rank = 'Analysis'; lang.map_user_review = 'Travelers′ Reviews'; lang.map_save = 'Save'; lang.map_save_info = 'Saved.'; lang.map_open = 'Opening Hours'; lang.map_tel = 'Phone'; lang.map_site = 'Website'; lang.map_price = 'Price'; lang.map_reservation = 'Book'; lang.map_review_desc = 'Analyze {%s0} reviews'; lang.map_type_of_guest = 'Guest Type'; lang.map_hotel_review = 'Reviews'; lang.map_searching_hotel = 'Now, we are searching numberless of hotel booking sites worldwide.'; lang.map_room = 'Room'; lang.map_guest = 'Guest'; lang.map_add_transfort = 'Add Transportation'; lang.map_agent_site = 'Site'; lang.map_total_price = 'Total'; lang.map_one_night = 'Nightly'; lang.map_one_night_price = 'Nightly'; lang.map_view_clip_spot = 'Show My Clips'; lang.map_back_to_list = 'Back to the list'; lang.map_add_day = 'Add Day'; lang.map_activity_cat = 'Leisure/Activities'; lang.map_night_cat = 'Nightlife'; lang.map_clipspot_cat = 'My Clips'; lang.map_spot_of_city = 'Search Place in {%s0}'; lang.map_spot_info_time = 'Hours'; lang.map_spot_info_tel = 'Telephone'; lang.map_spot_info_homepage = 'Website'; lang.map_spot_info_theme_pop = 'Who likes this place?'; lang.map_night = 'nights'; lang.map_optimize_route_btn = 'Optimize'; lang.map_optimize_route = 'Optimize the Route'; lang.map_day_reset = 'Reset'; lang.map_opti_before = 'Before '; lang.map_opti_after = 'After'; lang.map_opti_first_step = 'First Place'; lang.map_opti_last_step = 'Last Place'; lang.map_conf_del = 'Delete?'; lang.map_first_day = 'Day 1.'; lang.map_opti_loading = 'Optimizing your travel route now.'; lang.map_search_flight = 'flight'; lang.map_opti_required = 'To optimize, at least 4 places per Day is required. (except transportation)'; lang.guide_text_1 = 'Change date and title here. '; lang.guide_text_2 = 'Add places to your plan using drag&drop or click +button.'; lang.guide_text_3 = 'Add a new place andtransportations.'; lang.guide_text_4 = 'Invite friends travel together.'; lang.change_departure = '출발일 변경'; lang.search_in_city = '도시내 검색'; lang.search_in_total = '전체검색';